Bet you're as tired of this mess as I am- being relocked down is like needing a filling redone (lived through that in my youth, replaced a full mouth of poorly installed filling- another story), painful, a waste of emotion, energy and efforts.
Now is a time to show love to our neighbors, support local businesses (buy gift certs even more takeout), tip heavier, smile more, share small glimpses of joy, hope and life!
With the over abundance of social media, there are a number of funny posts that anyone can snap and share (just look at the "funnies" section on our PPE site,, I am amazed the positive responses when I share with others.
We launched the NO COVID19 symbol mid-March, it has become our stand to remind one another- the need to physically distance (stay emotionally and socially connected), to wash often, and now wear masks.
Not hard, just needs to become second nature for all, by all, to support all.
May you find new joy, new optimism even with new outbreaks-
NDS is your partner to successfully "Branding your Image"~ more than print or products, creative solutions experts!