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  Wishing everyone a wonderful and blessed Christmas from NDS!  And an even better 2024~
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 On a recent trip to Seattle, I was exposed me to a really unique taste experience- savory ice cream, who knew! From "Creepy Crawly Critters" to "Turkey Stuffing & Cranberry"- though samples were offered, did I try... nope 😀 Traditional flavors for me, Chocolate and Cinnamon got my attention, but those who tried it said it was amazing. In this diverse country, at this amazing time when we celebrate the blessings we enjoy, maybe a small step outside of our normal pattern would grow our worldview, enable us to understand others better- think I missed a chance to have something unique to discuss with those in line, to find a common joy of new things. I hope that this Thanksgiving, Christmas season brings a wealth of new experiences, even "Prime Rib sherbet!"  Blessings! 

Burnt Out or A Strong Shelter

  In 2021 the South Lake Tahoe region was impacted by wildfires, driving into the region is much like our current business environment- some lost areas, isolated, abandoned stands without any life. But areas are green oasis of life, that are still vibrantly standing, offering shelter to animals and birds. Part of what we do as a Company is help business promote themselves, so clients know they are still around and ready to assist.  So the question is, what is representing your current business health, what is setting you apart from those who have gone under?  We'd be honored to assist you stand apart!
Small Things Add-Up  I believe we succeed by how faithful we are 1st in how we handle small things, then we are entrusted with bigger things. There are many stories of those getting the "golden" ring to implode on the rock of fame and fortune. This became clearer when I relooked at my favorite Saturday habit, my cheat day run to BJ's, baked pecan rolls, donuts and more- The owners are special people, running a loyal staff who churn out donuts so good that people will wait in line 40 deep to get their fix. It boggles my mind to get a handle how many donuts they sell to afford to have a comfortable lifestyle (they talk about pounds of dough vs donut count)- Many of us look for that "homerun sale", "BIG DEAL" but steady and consistent equates to success by any measure. Take a moment, grab a donut and reflect on how small things really do add up t bigger things!
 There seems to be a lot of debate about the need to "go back to the office"- part of the argument is centered around the synergy of team interaction. Yet many businesses have been successfully navigating the work from home scenario- the biggest challenge is how do we stay connected and not lose key employees, the brain trust, assets that make us successful! NDS can assist making sure you can touch both groups with an online store, these powerful tools can help you keep your team connected, your company brand upfront and help you with employee retention. We have been offering to help you establish your own site, at no charge, during these still challenging times- our offer still stands.  Our goal is to help you be successful... ask us how, we want to help~
 After 25 years in business, each day I am reminded how much I am grateful for the NDS family, our clients and vendors- we have been through much and share an amazing journey. Like so many, I recently realized how much of what I do is in the daily challenge to let GO. The old man wants to hang-on, be in control, but the act of trusting others, to step out (maybe even take time-off) and allow the team to make decisions and set another direction is what has held us through it all. In these challenging times, as I was reflecting the more I let go, the more freeing and fun "work" was.  It is easy in a managerial role to think "the buck stops here" or "unless I decide, it's not happening"- what a mistake, trusting others,, the step of faith in trusting co-workers is a powerful management action, allowing mental well-being, emotional health and overall a better outcome, even opens the door to a more stress-free lifestyle. So I recommend we all stop what we a